Module type Contract_email_template.Sig

val get : ?⁠ctx:(string * string) list -> string -> t option Lwt.t

get ?ctx id returns the email template by id.

val get_by_label : ?⁠ctx:(string * string) list -> string -> t option Lwt.t

get_by_label ?ctx label returns the email template by label.

val create : ?⁠ctx:(string * string) list -> ?⁠html:string -> label:string -> string -> t Lwt.t

create ?ctx ?html label text creates an email template with text as text emal content and a label. An optional html content can be provided that will be displayed in email clients that support HTML.

val update : ?⁠ctx:(string * string) list -> t -> t Lwt.t

update ?ctx template updates the email template.

val register : unit -> Sihl__.Core_container.Service.t